Saturday, April 20, 2013

Garden Crafts

I have always wanted a beautiful and enchanting garden, but in Texas, this is very hard to do. I came across a couple of ideas that I knew what make my garden interesting and also enchanting. 

 I have an incredibly old fence that didn't have much character. We planted our garden and didn't have any way to distinguish what we planted and where. I decided to chalk board paint my fence! At first, I didn't know how this would turn out, but let me just say, I am pretty pleased.

This was a really fun sign to make. I am an avid reader and my husband loves XBox gaming. I decided to put the destinations from my books and "Skyrim," is one of our favorite games to play together. This added a touch of enchantment to our garden.

These two things combined made a great garden area! The chalkboard is amazing because every year if I decide to plant something different, all I have to do is spray it off. Note that I did actually paint the "Our Garden," so that would never come off. 

Feel free to use any of these ideas! Message me or leave a comment if you need step by step instructions on any of these fun garden projects.

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